Saturday 2 August 2014

DIY / How to make a notebook / book cover

Hello everyone!!! Today I have for you a notebook / book cover to show you. I decided to make the cover free, I mean, don't be glued to the book because I can always change the book. Hope you like this tutorial.
So, this was the result:

Let's start, this was all the material I needed: A notebook/book, cardboard, scissors, ruler, pencil and hot glue gun. For decoration: eva, lace and a mold.

In first place, you cut a strip of cardboard, like in the image.

Then, you have to mark it like this:

Once you make the structure of the cover, glue it and let's decorate it!!

So, for the decoration, I chose a cute lace. I glued the tips of the lace in the inner side of the cover.

Don't forget to glue the lace in the edge of the book to prevent the kace from being too loose when you open the book.

Then I made a leaf with EVA.

To make the leaf I used this mold:

And this was my tutorial! Hope you liked it. I am excited to make new ones. If you have any doubt, suggestion or idea just let me know! =) Have fun!