Saturday 23 February 2013

Paint your own clothes!

Today I just remembered that we can paint our clothes, is something different to do, kids love it, you can use your creativity and, when finished, you can give it as a present.
I painted some kitchen stuff , some towels, some t-shirts but I will only be able to show it in summer because I am in college and all my clothes are in Madeira, where my Mom lives. So I will show it later (if I remember =P).
So, I have some ideias, if you have a lot of time but you're not good at it or it's your first time and you don't wanna ruin it, i suggest you start with something like this, looks complicated but it's really simple, you just do some little balls and will get easier.

 If you are already a good artist and you love painting but you never tried painting on clothes or you tried but your creativity is down you can so things like this two.

If you want to paint but you think it's not enough you can do like this or add some buttons.

Painting like this is really simple,it is the easiest way, but you have to be carefull and put a cardboard in the middle of the t-shirt so you only paint the front part and not the back part too. Then you put some drops of paint in the t-shirt and fold in half, pass your hand to make sure the paint adhered to the fabric and unfold it. Let it dry and follow the instructions on the paint tube.

As I said, kids love it, my cousin (6 years) loves to paint, she painted one pijama and some t-shirts. Help them so they don't put to much ink or too much water but they can do the rest. =)

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